Looking to move out
I am in a bad situation regarding my neighbor in my place of current residence.
He lives in the same building and has been verbally abusive.
All I ask is for a place where nobody harbors violent ideology based on conspiracy, I am a shy and a quiet person who prefers to keep themselves to themselves.
I would say that my budget is ideally:
£600/month (£150/week)
And my Upperlimit is:
£700/month (£175/week)
The past 6 years of my current place I have:
- Had My groceries stolen
- Been Threatened with violence
- Threatened into "lending" money to people
- Been harassed verbally
I have had a belly full, and I just want people who will treat me like a human being.
If it helps to mention I am a homosexual who is mildly on the autism spectrum.
All I ask for is respect, and nobody asking me for things or stealing things from me.
Thank you.
- Jake
- 26, male
- Single or double wanted
Total budget: £160 pw
- Available
- Now
- Minimum term
- None
- Maximum term
- None
Looking in
- Isle of Man
Amenities required
- furnished room
- broadband
About me
- Age
- 26
- Smoker?
- No
- Any pets?
- No
- Language
- English
- Nationality
- English
- Occupation
- Other
- Gender
- Male
- Orientation
- Gay/Lesbian
New household preferences
- Smokers OK?
- Yes
- Pets OK?
- Yes
- Occupation
- Don't mind
- Min age
- 20
- Max age
- 40
- Gender
- No preference specified