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Upgraded users can contact your ad immediately yes yes
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On average, Bold Ads get twice as many enquiries
no yes
Rank higher in the search pages no yes
Contact all Room Wanted ads immediately no yes
Stand out more no yes

Pricing and further benefits of upgrading to Bold

Upgrading also gets you Early Bird Access... Early bird

Have a room to fill?

Early Bird Access lets you contact all Room Wanted Ads. Pro-active landlords who contact room seekers fill their rooms faster than those who sit back and wait for enquiries.

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Early Bird Access means there are no restrictions on which ads you can contact.

Need a room?

Competition for good rooms is fierce, particularly in busy areas. Early Bird Access gives you a 7 day head start.

  • 1 week: £11.99
  • 2 weeks: £21.99
  • 4 weeks: £25.99
  • 6 months: £99

Everything was so simple, well thought through and provided a steady stream of first class candidates.


What a bold ad looks like

How your upgraded ad will look in the search results - enhanced for better visibility

£1,000 pcm

Beautiful Room to Let

Double roomGreenwich (SE10)

Beautiful Room to Let


3 1

New today
Double roomGreenwich (SE10) £1,000 pcm

A fully furnished room with natural light, you will love the view of the city from the balcony.

Available now
Free to Contact SaveAdd this to your 'saved ads' list for quick reference in future. You'll find your saved ad lists under the 'search' tab in the main menu More info

How your ad currently appears in the search results.

£1,000 pcm

Beautiful Room to Let

Double roomGreenwich (SE10)

Beautiful Room to Let


3 1

New today
Double roomGreenwich (SE10) £1,000 pcm

A fully furnished room with natural light, you will love the view of the city from the balcony.

Available now
Early birdEarly Bird Early Bird Access is just one benefit of upgrading. With it you can contact all ads on the site as soon as they appear - otherwise you'll have to wait 7 days before you can contact any ads with the Early Bird icon. Find out more » Early Bird SaveAdd this to your 'saved ads' list for quick reference in future. You'll find your saved ad lists under the 'search' tab in the main menu More info

SpareRoom is awesome. I now have a viewing every 15mins from 5.45pm until 9pm tomorrow. If both rooms aren't let I'll eat my deposit receipt!

Martin S

I have 2 properties and the rooms have always been filled by tenants from SpareRoom. I'm so impressed by your site, the friendly staff, the bits of info I get from you, the leaflets etc. Basically, from my heart thank you for this site and you all do a wonderful job.