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Looking for a house for some time in June

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Ad reference no. 10823143


I asked chat GPT to write my ad because I don't enjoy looking for a house and I know its tough looking for a housemate. All the key info is there but I asked it to add more jokes. I am not sure why it went in so hard on the fantasy theme. Enjoy!

Title: Seeking a Cozy Spare Room in Meersbrook, Nether Edge, or Sharrow: Land Worker and GIS Analyst

Are you a 33-year-old self-employed land worker and GIS analyst like me, seeking a comfortable sanctuary in Sheffield? After five years in this lively city, where climbing adventures and relaxed pub visits are my jam, I'm on the lookout for the perfect spare room.

Location: Ideally, I'm aiming for Meersbrook, Nether Edge, or Sharrow—because who wouldn't want to live in a place with names so charming they sound straight out of a fairy tale? Plus, I hear the local trolls have a great sense of humor. Just watch out for the ones with a penchant for stealing socks; they've got a monopoly on the mismatched pairs!

About Me: When I'm not knee-deep in mapping data or tending to the land, you'll find me scaling Sheffield's peaks or enjoying a pint at a cozy pub. I value my privacy but also enjoy a good chat in the kitchen now and then—especially if it involves debating whether tea should be enjoyed with milk first or last. (Spoiler alert: it's definitely last!)

Room Preferences: I'm seeking a space that's not just a room but a cozy retreat, furnished with essentials and bathed in natural light. A tranquil environment where I can unwind after a productive day is key. Bonus points if the room comes with a view of the mystical Meersbrook Park—rumor has it there's a gnome convention happening there next week!

Shared Spaces: While I cherish my alone time, I'm open to sharing communal areas like the kitchen. Whether it's swapping climbing stories or discussing the latest GIS trends, I'm always up for a good conversation—especially if it involves brainstorming new ways to outsmart the local pigeons who seem to have a particular fondness for dive-bombing unsuspecting pedestrians.

About You: I'm looking for housemates who share my love for outdoor adventures and casual pub outings. Mutual respect for personal space and a friendly demeanor are qualities I value in potential flatmates. Bonus points if you have a pet hedgehog named Harold who moonlights as a poetry enthusiast—because who doesn't love a good sonnet recital over breakfast?

Rent and Utilities: My budget includes rent and utilities, ensuring a hassle-free living experience. High-speed internet is a must for staying connected with work and leisure pursuits—especially for my nightly virtual battles against the infamous "Meersbrook Monster" in an epic online gaming showdown.

If you have a spare room that aligns with my lifestyle and values—and don't mind the occasional troll joke or debate over the proper tea-making technique—I'd love to hear from you. Let's chat and see if we'd make great housemates in one of Sheffield's enchanting neighborhoods.

  • Rob
  • 33, male
  • Double room wanted

Total budget: £600 pcm


Minimum term
6 months
Maximum term
12 months

Looking in

  • Sheffield

Amenities required

  • broadband
  • washing machine

About me

Any pets?
music, cooking, reading, socialising, walking, cycling, hiking, gardening, nature, climbing, outdoors, science, board games, diy, plants

New household preferences

Smokers OK?
Pets OK?
Don't mind
Min age
Max age
No preference specified

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  • The photos are not of the room advertised
  • The description is misleading

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