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Press enquiries

Whether you're writing specifically about flatsharing or looking at the wider picture around renting, housing and the changing way we live, SpareRoom can help.

We've got around 20 years experience in the flatshare market so can supply stats, comment and case studies as well as expert opinion and insights.

Just email us and let us know how we can help - we can also add you to our press release list

For more background on SpareRoom see how we started.

Looking for data for your latest story on renting or the housing crisis? Check out SpareRoom's quarterly Rental Index data and other rental market updates.

Our team

SpareRoom founder Rupert Hunt

Rupert HuntFounder & CEO

Rupert founded SpareRoom in 2004. He's a passionate advocate of flatsharing and believes living with the right people beats living on your own any day. In 2016 he used SpareRoom to find two housemates to share his 300 year old London townhouse with 'pay what you can afford' rent and filmed the results for a YouTube series.

Communications Director Matt Hutchinson

Matt HutchinsonGlobal Communications Director

Matt has been SpareRoom's media spokesperson since 2007 and regularly provides comment and opinion on renting, sharing and housing for the UK and US media. He spearheaded SpareRoom's six year Raise the Roof campaign, which led directly to the UK government encouraging more homeowners to rent out their empty bedrooms to combat the housing crisis.

Press releases

For SpareRoom's latest press releases and rental market updates please click here

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When I first arrived in London for work I certainly could not afford to rent anywhere to live so I actually used your website

Michelle Dewberry, winner of The Apprentice & TV Presenter does what it says on the tin

The Telegraph

The UK's busiest flat and house share website

The Sun

The largest room sharing website in the country

BBC Radio 2 Chris Evans Show