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Average Rent in the UK


Average rent in the UK (Q4 2024) is £744 pcm. If you exclude inner London it's £661 pcm.

Average rents by region

RegionAverage monthly room rent Q4 2024Average monthly room rent Q4 2023Annual change Q4 2024 vs Q3 2023
East Anglia£669£6503%
East Midlands£563£5620%
North East£552£5353%
North West£608£5815%
Northern Ireland£567£5552%
South East£745£7312%
South West£665£6493%
West Midlands£563£5591%
Yorkshire and Humberside£556£5550%
UK (excl London)£661£6472%



SpareRoom’s Quarterly Rental Index compares data from Q4 2024 with Q4 2023, based on around 200,000+ UK room ads (inclusive of bills). Sample size is the combined total across both periods. Towns/cities/postcodes with a sample size of under 50 have been excluded from this report. London data covers E, EC, N, NW, SE, SW, W & WC postcodes.