Average Rent in London
The average rent in London (Q2 2024) is £983 pcm - up 1% year on year from an average of £972 in 2023.
Average room rents Q2 2024 by London region
London regions | Average monthly room rent Q2 2024 | Average monthly room rent Q2 2023 | Annual change Q2 2024 vs Q2 2023 |
E | £955 | £944 | 1% |
EC | £1,220 | £1,233 | -1% |
N | £949 | £930 | 2% |
NW | £977 | £976 | 0% |
SE | £948 | £925 | 3% |
SW | £1,014 | £1,008 | 1% |
W | £1,039 | £1,027 | 1% |
WC | £1,319 | £1,240 | 6% |
London | £983 | £972 | 1% |
UK | £740 | £703 | 5% |
UK (excl London) | £656 | £614 | 7% |
Top 20 popular London postcodes
London postcodes | Average monthly room rent Q2 2024 |
E14 (Canary Wharf / Docklands) | £1,029 |
E1 (Shoreditch / Whitechapel) | £1,022 |
NW10 (Willesden) | £910 |
E3 (Bow) | £967 |
NW2 (Cricklewood / Dollis Hill) | £894 |
N1 (Angel / Islington / Canonbury) | £1,187 |
SE1 (London Bridge / Borough / Waterloo) | £1,172 |
SE16 (Bermondsey / Rotherhithe) | £1,001 |
SW15 (Putney) | £869 |
E15 (Stratford / West Ham) | £905 |
SW16 (Streatham) | £891 |
SW11 (Battersea) | £1,131 |
E16 (Canning Town / North Woolwich / Royal Docks) | £1,010 |
E2 (Bethnal Green) | £1,089 |
NW1 (Camden) | £1,202 |
W3 (Acton) | £957 |
W12 (Shepherds Bush) | £969 |
SW19 (Wimbledon / Merton / Collier's Wood) | £943 |
E6 (East Ham) | £775 |
SW17 (Tooting) | £948 |
SpareRooms Quarterly Rental Index compares data from Q2 2024 with Q2 2023, based on around 200,000+ UK room ads (inclusive of bills). Sample size is the combined total across both periods. Towns/cities/postcodes with a sample size of under 50 have been excluded from this report. London data covers E, EC, N, NW, SE, SW, W & WC postcodes.